Thanks for sharing this. It leaves me with a question. According to your summary, Sailhammer contrasts the secular university and the seminary. It makes me wonder how he would fit Christian universities into the picture.
Is theological education in a Christian university the same as in a seminary? Or is there a slightly different, yet complementary, scope and approach to theological education in the university? In what ways can Christian universities also be textual communities?
Hi Josh, this is an important question I think. My initial thought would be that Sailhamer would distinguish the task of a Christian University from the task of a Seminary. Specifically, because the seminary is able to be centered on the interpretation & proclamation of a central text (the Scriptures) in a way that a University cannot (because of its task of training in other areas/vocations). In his address itself, he delineates some of the "domains" and attendant "tasks" for the church & the academy. These of course overlap in a unique way in a seminary (or school of biblical & theological studies within a broader University, etc). However, as you mentioned, in a Christian Univ there would also be some shared goals and practices that resonate with both of the domains of the church and the academy (but would still remain distinct, etc). At any rate, that would be some of my instincts on this initially.
Thanks for sharing this. It leaves me with a question. According to your summary, Sailhammer contrasts the secular university and the seminary. It makes me wonder how he would fit Christian universities into the picture.
Is theological education in a Christian university the same as in a seminary? Or is there a slightly different, yet complementary, scope and approach to theological education in the university? In what ways can Christian universities also be textual communities?
Hi Josh, this is an important question I think. My initial thought would be that Sailhamer would distinguish the task of a Christian University from the task of a Seminary. Specifically, because the seminary is able to be centered on the interpretation & proclamation of a central text (the Scriptures) in a way that a University cannot (because of its task of training in other areas/vocations). In his address itself, he delineates some of the "domains" and attendant "tasks" for the church & the academy. These of course overlap in a unique way in a seminary (or school of biblical & theological studies within a broader University, etc). However, as you mentioned, in a Christian Univ there would also be some shared goals and practices that resonate with both of the domains of the church and the academy (but would still remain distinct, etc). At any rate, that would be some of my instincts on this initially.